Sunday, 8 December 2013

Welcome to Sephora Girl

Hello! Thank-you for stopping by! 
This is the first post of many to come. 
My identity will be kept confidential. Though, you may soon know me as Sephoragirl.
There are a few things I am willing to tell you about myself....
1- I am female
2- I love all things to do with makeup and cosmetics (Some say I have an obsession...) 

On this blog I will share with you my thoughts and opinions on products, people and things. 
I'm sure many of you know of YouTube beauty guru's? I shall be doing the same sort of thing as them but.... as posts.

I will do tags, favourites, DIY's and more.... You are welcome to leave me suggestions as comments.
Though I will try to be consistent with my post's it may not be as regular as some due to my busy schedule. 

Please enjoy my blog and don't forget to give me hints on products you love and think I should try...
Sephora girl

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